Unknown locations for Equipment

Control Unit Type 2A 0015
CRT Type CV1596 0056
Aerial AJE41 0062
Battery Accumulator German 0083
Test Unit Transmission Type M 0093
Multimeter Electronic 0103
Valve Voltmeter No2 0147
Valve Type CV2163 (Disc sealed triode) 0161
Receiver Type R1125A 0169
Valve Magnetron Type CV5167 0172
Computer Dell PC 0173
Indicator Unit Loran ID-6b-APN4 0177
Signal Generator Type SG-34-GPM-15 0178
Receiver Type R1132A 0186
Beacon AN-URC68 0192
Control Unit Type 526 0193
Unknown 0197
Valve Type CV6175 0220
TR Cell 3cm 0226
Valve Klystron CV2262 3cm 0228
Receiver Type 78 0249
Receiver Type R1481 0267
TR Cell Spark Gap 0276
TR Cell CV193 0277
Unknown 0281
Power Unit Type 869 0286
Gas Mask for baby 0304
TR Cell Type CV193 0314
Receiver Marconi unknown 0336
Telephone Southwestern Bell 0348
Indicator Unit CRT Type 101 0362
Lamp Aldis 363
Probes Logic 0368
Valve Voltmeter Marconi TF1041B 0386
Monitor Crystal Type 4A (Tropical) 0390
Unknown Motor Gearbox 0393
Switch Unit Type 459 0398
Control Unit Type 612 (PV1819C) 0403
Radio Altimeter 0404
Aerial Log Periodic 0416
Adaptor Frequency Shift 0434
Battery 6volts Dry Dated 1954 0444
CRT Type ACR13 0445
CRT Type ACR1 0446
CRT Type CV1587 0447
CRT Type VCR526 0449
CRT Type VCR139A 0450
CRT Type VCR138 0465
Aerial Rotator Controller G-600RC 0500
Tuning turrets 0504
Aerial Variometer For 19 Set 0505
Switch Unit 0506
Amplifier Loud Speaker Assy 0508
Unknown 0511
Lamp Aldis 0512
Tester Microphone Type 1 0514
Amplifier Mixer Type 535F 0516
Unknown 0518
Unknown 0519
Telecomms Unit 0520
Telecomms Unit 0521
Aerial roof insulator 0524
Radio Interface Unit 0526
Unknown 0528
Aerial Amplifier Type 702 0529
Interface Box 8 0531
Transmitter Seize Switch 0536
Resistor Variable 100ohms 0537
Unknown LRU 0538
Interface Box 1 0539
Panel Unknown 0540
Converter Mains 0544
Control Unit Radio 0547
Receiver HR24 Bulb Holder 0549
Aerial Rotator Archer 0552
Aerial Rotator Archer 0553
Valve Kit 0555
Training Wireless Procedure 0556
Filter High Power 0569
Filter High Power(rear) 0570
Filter High Power 0571
Filter High Power 0572
Modules Tuning and IF 0582
Modules Tuning and IF 0584
Modules Tuning and IF 0589
Amplifier Audio Racal 0593
Amplifier Audio Racal 0595
Filter PPI Display 0597
Radar Part 0598
Radio dial 0600
Bezel 0604
Panel Display 0605
Panel Display 0606
Unknown 0607
Unknown 0608
Calculator Manual Type 12 0609
Bezel PPI 0610
Bezel PPI 0611
Teletype KSR33 0626
Meter Weston E722 0628
Regulator Unit Type 5 0632
Box Fusion Test 0633
Cell Secondary Portable 0634
Audio Osc Unit 0635
Switch for T1083 0639
Prime Computer 0641
Transceiver Yaesu FT90 0645
Receiver Eddystone Model 680X 0653
Switch Time 0-60min-(Venner) 0670
Oscillator Type 99A (Cable Locator) 0674
Wire Tinned Copper 1.25mm 0675
Amplifier Distribution MS240 (Racal) 0678
Generator Pulse 0688
Fan Heater Model 20 2000watts 0694
Teletype ASR35 0705
Teletype ASR35 0706
Teletype ASR35 0707
Computer HP+71B 0709
Test Set Headset 0759
Transformer 240v - 12V 0760
Unknown 0762
Meter Component B424 0797