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R.A.F. Henlow Signals Museum Equipment for sale

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Receiver_Type_R208=0371.jpg Receiver_Type_R28=0690.jpg

Receiver_Unit_62H=0798.jpg Recorder_Rustrak=0691.jpg
Type R208
Type R28
Type R308
Unit 62H

Receiver Type R308

Make us a sensible offer for this item (including shipping)
and it will probably be yours.

This is a communication receiver with facilities for the reception of C.W. and amplitude or frequency modulated carriers are provided.
The set may be used as part of either a ground station or a vehicle station, being mounted in a rubber suspended carrier to avoid damage from mechanical vibration.
A built-in loudspeaker is fitted.
The frequency band of 20-45 Mc/s is covered in 5 ranges, selected by a switch as follows :-

Range 1 is 0-30 Mc/s.

Range 2 is 30-48

Range 3 is 48-75

Range 4 is 75-152

Range 5 is 112-145

The two I.F. frequencies of the receiver are 9.72 and 2.1 Mc/s.
Three degrees of selectivity are available giving bandwidths of 40, 60 and 20 kc/s.
The tuning dial is calibrated directly in Mc/s for each range with the addition of a logging scale with 180 divisions.
Receiver<br>Type R308

Receiver Type R308 (Photograph Number 0282)

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