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R.A.F. Henlow Signals Museum Equipment for sale

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Resistor_Variable_100ohms=0537.jpg Responser_IFF=0054.jpg

Roller+Coaster_Variable_Inductor=0823.jpg Scope+Front_for_Type13A=0824.jpg
Variable 100ohms
GPO Type F
Roller Coaster
Variable Inductor
Scope Front
for Type13A

Rheostat GPO Type F

Make us a sensible offer for this item (including shipping)
and it will probably be yours.

Uses three sets of resistors using manganin wire wound on ceramic bobbins.

The first set of resistors goes from 40 to 400 ohms in 40 ohm steps, the second set goes from 400 to 4000 ohms in 400 ohm steps.

The third set of resistors of uses 4000 20 10 4 3 2 and 1 ohm switched in and out by use of shorting plugs giving a total resistance of 8440 ohms.
Rheostat<br>GPO Type F

Rheostat GPO Type F (Photograph Number 0099)

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