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R.A.F. Henlow Signals Museum Exhibits for disposal

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Panel_Type_327=0345.jpg Panel_Type_327=0430.jpg

Pip+Squeak_Contactor=0439.jpg Power+Unit_from_SBA=0170.jpg
Type 327
Type 327
Pip SqueakPip Squeak
Power Unit
from SBA

This item has been requested but not yet allocated and so is no longer available

Contactor Unit BC-608A.

Pip Squeak This unit was used to control the operation of a transmitter that sent out a signal for 14 seconds in a minute on a specific frequency. The intention was to identify an aircraft as friendly to the ground controller. It pre-dated the IFF MkI system that was developed by 1939.

Pip Squeak

Pip Squeak (Photograph Number 0400)

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