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The index below consists of a table of items, each being linked to the first image of that item type.

To get to the rest of the same type of items images, simply use the scroll facilities on each succeeding page.

There is a full linked list of the items here.

If you find any errors in identification etc. please drop me a line.

The number for the photograph is given in the caption below the photograph.

There are two sizes of photos: the thumbnail images which link to a page containing a larger image (640 by 480 pixels).

Colin Hinson.

Army Set No Jack 
ATC Phones 
ATC Type 
ATC Type 2 
Audioline Phone 
Binatone Speaker Phone 
Earpieces Miscellaneous 
Field Telephone Handsets 
Headset and Cable 
ITT Field Telephones 
Microphone and Lead And PTT 
Modern Adapted For Military 
Modern For Telephone Use 
Modern For Telephone Use No Head Restraint 
Special Jack Army Set 
Special Jack Army Set 2 
Special Jack Army Set 3 
Special Jack Army Set 4 
Special Jack Army Set 5 
Special Jack Extension 2 
Special Jack to BN C 
Standard Jack Extension 
Standard Jack to 3mm Adaptor 
Standard Mono Jack 
Standard Mono Jack 3 
Stereo to Mono Convertor 
Throat Microphones 
Unknown Handset 
Unknown No Jack 
Unknown No Jack 2 
Unknown No Jack 3 
Unknown No Jack 4 
Unknown Standard Jack 
Unknown Standard Jack 3 
Unknown Standard Jack 4 
Unknown Standard Jack 5 
Unknown Standard No Jack 5 
Unknown Stereo Jack 

If you have any comments, complaints, suggestions, requests etc, please drop us a line via our Genuki email page.

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Web-page generated by "DB2html" data-base extraction software ©Colin Hinson 2023