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Full listing Full Listing
of valves
initial listing Initial Listing
of valves

Alphanumeric list of valves (thermionic tubes) for sale from the Signals Museum.

Explanatory Notes

The list of valve names below links to the photographs for the relevant valve.

Clicking on a link in the table below will take you to the first of the valves in the list that you have selected, giving with prices, condition etc.

You will be able to scroll to the rest of the valves from there, come back to this list of valves, or go back to change initial letter or number.

These lists are given in strictly alpha/numeric order (i.e. all the numbers come before the letter A) and so 1234 comes before 1ABC and so on.

It would be nice if you would drop us a line if you find any errors in links etc. (see link below)

Happy Hunting!

Select the name of the valve you are looking for

  S106/1K     S130     SH342     SP41     SP61  

If you have any comments, complaints, suggestions, requests etc, please drop us a line via our email page (which is kindly hosted by Genuki.)

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