Signals Museum

Having completed the return of loaned items and the distribution
of items requested by other museums etc, we are now selling
what remains in aid of various charities and good causes.

Items currently available from our on-line shop

We are open to sensible offers on any of the items in the sections below,
and if you don't like the prices of the priced items, please make us a sensible offer

Soon to come:
more cables and components, etc.

If you made an offer you should have an acknowledgement of that by now, if not, please contact us.
If you make an offer on any of the above from now on, you should hear from us within a day.

Our apologies for previous delays (too much work and not enough people).

From donations made either by BACS transfer, through PayPal, or by cash, we have so far donated to charities and local groups:

Thank you very much to all who have donated to our fund, we do appreciate it.

The remainder of the  site will stay as is, to become a Virtual Museum.

Please go to the   Museum Closure page for more information about the closure.

This Museum attempts to tell the story of RAF Signals. It is hoped visitors and signallers past, present and future can see something of the heritage upon which the Museum specialisation has been built. Whichever category you, the visitor fall into, we hope you will find your visit both interesting and informative. We have a lot of working equipment which we can demonstrate including transmitters, receivers and radar consoles.

Our last Open day has gone by and so
we are closed to all visitors.


Close-down update

Following discussions with the close down team and with the gracious consent of the Station Commander, the Signals Museum close-down date was slightly extended to the 8th June 2024. This extension allowed the Museum to take an active part in the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of D-Day on 6th June.

Visiting the Museum

We are no longer holding open days but will accommodate pre-arranged visits by small parties on the understanding that we are now in the disposal period and therefore some items may be missing. Tuesday is our working day and therefore the preferable day to visit. Please contact us via our Genuki webform to arrange a date/time or for information.

To get a pass to visit, visitors should park in the Vistor's Car Park and then go to the Guardroom across the road with a suitable photo identity document (see below). Opening times are from 10:00, and doors close at 16:00 unless arranged differently.

Post Code for Sat. Nav: SG16 6DN

Visitors Identity

Visitors must bring Official photo ID for booking in at the Guardroom for all visits.
A Passport, Photo Driving Licence or an over 60's Bus Pass is acceptable.


The 3 Radar Consoles, the T1509 and the BC640 transmitter
We have seating among the exhibits.

We have now been set a closure date by the authorities at RAF Henlow. This will currently be by the end of June 2024 but we closed for visitors after the June 8th 2024 Open Day, and will start to dispose of our exhibits.

Photographs of our exhibits as they were before the close down.

Please go to the   Museum Closure page for more information or to register an interest.

R.A.F., Army and Navy service records. 

Please note that the Signals museum does not hold any service records.

The following organisations hold service records and archival and photographic collections: